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Singapore landscape is similar to Chinese paintings. It is the harmony between Yin Yang forces, which derived from the balance of the Five Elements (earth, water, metal, wood and fire).


We are a small dot with very limited resources. Thus, it is a challenge for us to conserve and balance our urbanization with nature.


Earth is the foundation of all things but yet, we have shortage of land. Working with this boundary, Singapore manage to come up with the Green Plan that aims to attain environmental sustainability. The main idea is to conserve and balance. We plan to build water catchments on 2/3 of our land (water element).


Not only does the landscape reflects the principle of Yin Yang, balancing our lifestyle is also important. Singapore has a very interesting nightlife and all the amazing lights (fire element) transform this small dot to a colourful place.


We are known to be the Garden City as we make the effort to grow greeneries all around us. Be it city or neighbourhood, we could easily be standing under a tree. Singapore also tries to conserve our nature reserve. Greenery(wood element) gives us breathing space. They are important to us and we should not destroy it.


Lastly, similar to other developed countries, Singapore is one of the urban jungle where high rise buildings are prominent and magnificent. They represent the metal element. We balance our urbanization with nature and complete it with a balance lifestyle.


Deliverables: Video, Book, Map

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